Gaining Through Loss

The losing of a thing imparts its value. A coworker of mine called this the warm body concept. He warned my boss and I to place due value on each of our employees, admonishing that we didn't know about all of the small things and extra work they put in. I found his point to …

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Just Like That, My Whole Family Was Gone. The power of forgiveness I'll be candid: I don't place much stock in Buzzfeed.  Their videos are pointed and intended to prod people into politics.  That is forgivable, but I have seen videos carrying their label clearly edited away from the truth and into a political slant. That said, this video holds the power …

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Joan of Ark Statue

What is Courage, anyway?

Danger comes knocking. The wise go running. The slow lay failing. The swift pant, cursing. The loud stand screaming. The meek kneel, praying. The generous reach, helping. The fools come rushing. The weak lay, joining. The Strong remain. All hurt. All suffer. Who does Courage claim?   Courage always went unquestioned in my mind as …

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A Secret of Joy: Fake It Till You Make It

Here is a perfect example of why solipsism is a flawed concept: Have you ever received a compliment (or, heaven forbid an insult) from someone that you knew to be factually inaccurate? Maybe that person is close to you and you believe that they know you deeply.  It only adds to the confusion, right?  You talk to …

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